The 8th Annual Real Estate West Forum is a local peer-to-peer educational event exclusively for the institutional and high net worth wealth management community with a specific focus on allocations
The forum brings together investors, funds, and advisers for a one-day meeting to discuss sectors, due diligence, and real estate investment opportunities in the US and around the world.
The investor-focused event provides a due diligence platform for US based and international pension funds, foundations, endowments, fund of funds, family offices, wealth managers, consultants, and sovereign wealth funds interested in direct research on real estate opportunities.
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State of the Industry
From coast to coast, real estate markets are facing regulatory changes, extreme weather conditions, and fluctuating supply and demand. The Markets Group 8th Annual Real Estate West Forum will commence with a scene setting discussion addressing trends emerging across the industry. Our panelists will share noteworthy headwinds and tailwinds that are affecting real estate investors and managers alike.
Building a Recession-Proof Portfolio
Industry thought leaders share their expert perspectives on which strategies will deliver returns in 2024. How are investors structuring their real estate allocations? Which investment strategies are you divesting from? How can you hedge against risk in the coming 12-24 months? Which asset classes are performing? How can allocators reframe their strategic approach to building a recession-proof portfolio?
Examining Opportunities in Debt
Debt has been pushed to the topof board room discussions as opportunities continue to surface following the2020 pandemic. Our panel of esteemed speakers will cover loan structures suchas singlefamily residential bridge loans, mezzanine loans, subordinated secured debt or B-notes, and CRE firstmortgages, among others. This panel will also address the key considerationsfor investors looking to enter or expand their presence in the debt sphere.
The Rise of Multifamily
Inthis dynamic panel discussion, our speakers will address the rapidly growingmultifamily sector. What criteria are you utilizing to identify opportunitieswith upside? How are you approaching affordable housing versus amenity-richdevelopments? Which west coast regions are seeing more multifamily growth? Whatare the largest factors contributing to the rise of the multifamily sector?What is driving investor appetite for multifamily?
What’s New with Niche Investment Strategies
Nicheasset classes have become a critical component of many real estate portfolios.Among these asset classes are life sciences, student housing, self-storagefacilities, data centers, film & television production studios, seniorhousing, manufactured housing, and medical office buildings. Which of theseasset classes are the most favorable moving into 2024? Which asset classes’momentum has slowed? Are current yields and returns sustainable as we look tothe year ahead?
Finding Value in Value-Add?
Real estate investors consider the risk factor as they buildout their portfolios. While some favor Value-Add and Opportunistic, othersremain confident in Core and Core Plus. Our panelists will share their insightsinto where investors can find the most value in the short and long terms. Giventhe current state of the economy and real estate markets, should investorsbolster their portfolios with riskier investment strategies or opt to play itsafe?
Investing in West Coast Residential Real Estate
Residentialhousing markets have rapidly evolved year over year as housing trends, mortgagerates, and economic considerations continue to morph. Is reurbanization top ofmind or will the great migration continue to bolster markets outside of cities?What trends unique to the west coast are affecting the investment selectionprocess? What should investors seek and avoid as they approach this sector?
America’s Economic Circulatory System: Industrial
Withthe rise of remote working, online shopping, and transient housing, industrialreal estate has grown in economic importance. Americans rely on ecommerce(warehousing, distribution, and logistics parks) daily. As many Americans haveleft the traditional 9-5 in Midtown behind, flexible storage and self-storagehas boomed. Our panel of industry experts will examine the trends affecting thesupply and demand of industrial, as well as how developing smarter buildingsand digital transformation may be the next phase of industrial.
Private Wealth is Making Waves
RegisteredInvestment Advisors and family offices face unique challenges while boastingunique strengths within the real estate investment ecosystem. When it comes toallocating to real estate funds, what advantages do family offices and RIAshave compared to that of an institutional investor? What can institutionalallocators learn from the operations of private wealth investors? What haveprivate wealth investors learned from institutional investors? Can the privatewealth community leverage tax advantages to stabilize their portfolios? What is the risk appetite ofprivate wealth real estate investors?
A Closer Look at Retail, Office, andHospitality
With technological, geopolitical, and socioeconomicfactors restructuring the state of the industry, our speakers will share theirthoughts on the U.S. commercial real estate markets. Which sectors withincommercial real estate are allocators favoring? Where are allocators shyingaway? How are retail, office, and hospitality performing? What do investors andmanagers need to understand about mixed use spaces?
INVESTORS: Complimentary Registration for all qualified investors. Email [email protected] for more information on obtaining a complimentary ticket.
MANAGERS & SERVICE PROVIDERS: Rates below reflect the current price for all asset managers and service providers.
Event Registration | 3000 USD | 03/06/24 |
Julia Morgan Ballroom
465 California St
San Francisco, California
USA 94104